Ep. 005 | Learning to Let Go with Founding Mother of Non-Toxic Skincare and Primally Pure, Bethany McDaniel

Ep. 005 | Learning to Let Go with Founding Mother of Non-Toxic Skincare and Primally Pure, Bethany McDaniel

Today, Primally Pure has far surpassed one million non-toxic deodorants sold, is a team of 40, and has opened a spa at their HQ.

Show notes

Curate Conversations | Episode 005

Learning to Let Go with Founding Mother of Non-Toxic Skincare + Primally Pure, Bethany McDaniel

Bethany started Primally Pure from her home in 2014. Today, PP has surpassed 1M non-toxic deodorants sold, is a team of 40, and opened a spa at their HQ. In this episode, Bethany recalls her first hire, the QA process at PP, how value-adding content helped her lead the non-toxic movement, a new product launching soon, and how she wishes she'd let go earlier.

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Shoutout to our sponsors, Parker Clay (code CURATE15) and SeaVees (code CURATE20). Music created by Queentide.



Pia Beck

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Bethany McDaniel

Bethany McDaniel

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